Wow, what an amazing morning was enjoyed by all. The community fully supported this event, and we are so thankful, we couldn’t have asked for anything more. We had over 200 people visit us at Heritage Park and take part in the activities. There was Face Painting by the wonderful Polly Esta, Train Rides and a Bubble show by the awesome team of Vivian and Anais, all supplied free of charge to the community, we are so grateful that our funder Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) enables and supports these wonderful community events. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with those in the broader community and have a chance to talk about their needs and the support and services FSN provides, the best parts of the day were meeting lots of new people and seeing the past and present participants from all of our programs come together enjoy the activities and make connections with each other and the wider community. So many people took a moment out to personally come and thank us and let us know how much this was needed for the community, we just absolutely loved this event and we can’t wait for our next one!