Parenting Programs
It’s not always easy.

Not much can prepare you for becoming a parent. It is a time of emotional exploration. It’s not always easy. Parenting programs are designed to help families improve communication, understand what motivates their children’s behaviour and strengthen their relationships.
We offer a range of Parenting Groups, including Triple P, 123 Magic, Bringing Up Great Kids and Tuning In To Kids. All designed to help you be the best parent you can be, for the circumstances you are in.
Parenting Programs
1-2-3 Magic
Over the course of three sessions, parents learn a counting technique, which they can use to prompt children to recognise and moderate their own behaviour. 1-2-3 Magic enhances parent-child relationships, making parenting more enjoyable.
This course runs over 3 x 2-hour sessions.
Recommended for:
Parents and Carers with Children aged 2 to 12.
Circle of Security
Circle of Security is based on decades of attachment theory research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. During eight sessions, parents will learn to:
• Understand their child’s emotional world by reading their emotional needs.
• Support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions.
• Enhance the development of their child’s self-esteem.
Research shows that children who have a secure attachment to a caregiver have healthy self-esteem, increased empathy, are ready for school, have positive relationships and emotional intelligence.
This program runs over 8 x 2-hour sessions.
Recommended for:
Parents and Carers with Children of any age.
Bringing Up Great Kids
Bringing Up Great Kids is an integrated suite of topics, activities and tools that are unique and offer all parents and caregivers a fresh way to understand and connect with their children.
The program focuses on building positive and nurturing relationships between parents and their children, while also aiming to support parents to review and enhance their patterns of communication with their children to promote more respectful family interactions and encourage the development of children’s positive self-identity.
This Course runs over 5 x 2-hour sessions.
Recommended for:
Parents and carers of children 0-12 years
Engaging Adolescents
How to have those ‘tough conversations’ with your teenager while deepening and strengthening your relationship. During the program, parents and carers consider how to communicate with their teenagers around each other’s needs and wants. Topics include “Normal Phases & Behaviour” and “Less Negative More Positive”.
This course runs over 3 x 2-hour sessions.
Recommended for:
Parents and Carers with Children aged 10 and over.
Tuning in to Kids
This program focuses on developing supportive, emotionally responsive parenting. Parents are encouraged to become more aware of their own emotions to better understand their child/ren’s emotional experiences. The first few sessions concentrate on supporting parents to be able to identify, reflect, empathise with, and validate emotions before moving on to teach parents the skills of becoming an Emotion Coaching parent. Research has shown that children who have parents who are able to Emotion Coach, are less likely to have behavioural problems, do better academically and are more competent in their ability to regulate their emotions.
• Understand their child’s emotional world by reading their emotional needs.
• Support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions.
• Enhance the development of their child’s self-esteem.
Research shows that children who have a secure attachment to a caregiver have healthy self-esteem, increased empathy, are ready for school, have positive relationships and emotional intelligence.
This program runs over 6 x 2-hour sessions.
Recommended for:
Parents and Carers with Children aged 2 to 12.
No Scaredy Cats
No Scaredy Cats is based on 3 underlying principles:
• First – Understanding how anxiety develops in children
• Second – parents can take a preventative role in development of anxiety
• Third – The practical steps that can be taken for parents and carers to build resilience in their children.
This program runs over 3 x 2-hour sessions.
Recommended for:
Parents and Carers with Children aged 2 to 12.
Black Box Parenting
The Black Box parenting program is an innovating program developed specifically for the challenges after disruption in family life, such as: loss, family breakdown or family violence. This program is a great, non-blaming way to get parents thinking about how they interact with their children and how to manage some of the challenges of parenting.
This program has 5 x 2-hour sessions running fortnightly with individual phone calls during the off week.
Recommended for:
Parents and Carers with Children of any age.
Turning into Teens
The Tuning into Teens parenting program is designed to equip parents and caregivers with emotional coaching skills tailored to meet the unique developmental needs of teenagers. Tuning into Teens builds on the Tuning into Kids program. Both programs incorporate emotion coaching to develop positive ways for parents and carers to maintain a responsive and connected relationship with their children and teens.
Tuning into Teens aims to prevent problems developing by promoting emotional awareness and competence in both parents and the young person. The program empathizes the importance of cultivating acceptance, empathy, and understanding of a teen’s emotional experiences, while supporting parents and caregivers to regulate their own reactions.
This program runs over 5 x 2-hour sessions.
Recommended for:
Parents and carers with children and young people 10 to 17 years
Thoughtful Parenting – Keeping Kids in Mind
Parenting is not an easy job. Some days it is really rewarding. There are also those days where it can be extremely disheartening. Regardless of the kind of day parents have, it is the most important job that anyone can ever do. The Thoughtful Parenting program kit gives all parents a chance to think about what is important to them about their parenting. One of the most crucial aspects of the parenting role is the way parents are reflective and thoughtful about their children, themselves, and their parenting.
This program is one 2 hour session.
Recommended for:
Parents and Carers with Children of any age.