Our Board

FSN - Iain Graham

Iain Graham



Iain was appointed as Chair of the FSN Management Committee in October 2022, Iain is an Emeritus Professor at Southern Cross University, formerly Professor of Healthcare Development, Dean and Head of School for Health and Human Sciences, and Director of Clinical Services. He has held and continues to hold honorary positions with universities in the UK, The USA and Australia. Previous roles include the Dean of Health at the Institute of Health and Community Studies, and Professor of Nursing, at Bournemouth University, UK.

Iain’s academic and clinical career has spanned roles across a spectrum of involvements, featuring mental health, primary care, and public health, currently he is working with a group at De Montfort University Leicester, England, looking at global health issues and reform.

FSN - Andrea

Andrea Brooks

Vice Chairperson

Andrea has been a committee member for 10 years. Andrea is a Women’s Health Nurse.
FSN - Dale

Dale Campbell


Dale has been a member of our committee and our Treasurer for 5 years. Dale previously held the position of Operations Manager in the School of Health and Human Science at Southern Cross University. Prior to this he fulfilled the roles of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in a not for profit organisation. Dale has previously served as the Treasurer of the NT Mental Health Coalition. He holds qualifications in Economics, Social Science, Accounting and Governance.
FSN - Cath

Cath Napier

Committee Member

Cath has been a member of the management committee since 2019, Cath chaired FSN from 2019 until 2022 she has recently stepped down from her position as Chair Cath has worked as a Social Worker and Educator in the community services and child protection sectors in Australia and internationally for more the 30 years. Cath is an accredited social worker and has post graduate qualifications in both education and communication.

FSN - airdre 2016 2

Dr. Airdre Grant

Committee Member

Dr. Airdre Grant is an academic at Southern Cross University. She currently works in the Teaching and Learning Centre with the Schools of Art and Social Sciences and Health and Human Sciences. She is a writer and author and has published in popular and academic press. Her current focus is on Thin Space and the transformational work of the healer. Her doctoral thesis was written on the connection between spirituality and health.



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Family Support Network - Playgroups and Parenting programs
Family Support Network - Playgroups and Parenting programs